
A guide to dog friendly workplaces

25th May 2022 - 5 mins

A demand for dog friendly workplaces has recently emerged as traditional working arrangements are being renegotiated.

This increased demand has been partly attributed to the increased number of dog owners following the surge in puppy purchases seen in lockdown. Many are reluctant to leave their furry friends at home alone, and some are nervous of their own anxiety should they be separated from the comfort of their pets. Whatever the reason, enquiries for dog friendly workplaces are on the rise. We have our fingers on the pulse when it comes to modern employees’ wants and needs. We aim to create accommodating facilities which your teams and clients will love. That’s why we are proud to announce that we now offer dog friendly workplaces in some of London’s top locations.

What are dog friendly workplaces?

Dog friendly workplaces are one of the top post pandemic work trends. Following the great return of workers into offices, many who had previously worked from home are now having to leave their dogs either alone or with a sitter. Employees are keen to find a working arrangement that can accommodate their dogs too. Dog friendly workplaces are the solution. Not only do they ease the stress and financial burden of finding doggy day care, but also having dogs at work can make it more enjoyable.

Quite simply, a dog friendly workplace is one which allows dogs into the office. This definition is stretched and limited depending on the company and organisational needs. From dogs staying on leads or restricted to certain areas, to having free roam of the office, dog friendly workplaces can look slightly different from place to place. It appears likely that pet perks will become more prominent in the future of work. Dog friendly spaces are now one of our many office added extras. Before you bring your dog in, we do ask that you check our dog etiquette guide.

3 Benefits of dog-friendly workplaces

Dog Friendly workplaces are not yet the standard. However, there are a few reasons why more companies might adopt a dog-friendly approach in the future. We have assessed some of the benefits of pet-friendly offices and are discussing how we can support you to curate the best work environment possible.

1. Reduction in stress

Multiple studies have shown that dogs can reduce stress and boost happiness. Even short interactions with dogs can increase our levels of the hormone oxytocin which makes us feel relaxed and safe. Not only do the dog owners feel better but this extends to others sharing the same office. Uplifted spirits can in turn improve employee productivity and creativity. What’s more, an office dog is a perfect natural reminder to take a quick screen break or to get up and go for a walk. This gentle exercise is not only linked with improving mental health but is also good for physical wellbeing. Healthy and happy employees are more inclined to work well.

2. Increased collaboration and improved office morale

Strengthening office relationships and reconnecting workers is more important than ever. Research has demonstrated that dogs can help with this. People bond over pets and dogs can prompt interactions between staff. From encouraging teamwork, and sharing knowledge, to nurturing opportunities for innovation, the greater camaraderie in dog friendly workplaces comes with a plethora of benefits. Our flexible workspaces allow you to spend your breakout time connecting over your dogs with a complimentary coffee.

3. Increase employee retention

A significant percentage of pet owners struggle with what to do with their dog whilst at work. Not having to worry about finding a kennel or doggy day care can be a stress off many employees’ backs and can improve their quality of life. Dog friendly workplaces have been linked with greater job satisfaction, and satisfied employees are less likely to look for work elsewhere. In fact, a MARS Petcare survey found that many dog owners said it would be harder to leave their jobs if their company allowed them to bring their pets to work. We are on hand with dog friendly coworking spaces, hot desks and more to help you bolster your employees job satisfaction.

Tips for bringing your dog into the office

If you are bringing your dog into a pet-friendly office, there are a few things to consider first.

– Other Employees: Some people may have dog allergies or be frightened by dogs. It is important to respect this and have boundaries in place. We recommend completing company surveys to check everyone’s ease around dogs in advance. We also have dedicated dog free zones to ensure everyone can feel as comfortable as possible.

– Dog Eligibility: There are a few criteria that should be met before a dog can come into your London office. They should be up to date with their vaccinations to limit health and safety problems. They should also be well trained and not cause excessive noise that could disturb others. An eye should also be kept on whether your dog is happy in the office environment as unfamiliar spaces, lots of people and strange noises can all be distressing for pets.

– Additional Facilities: Extra amenities might be necessary to support having paws padding around an office. From dog treats and water bowls, to easily accessible outside areas for ‘dog breaks’ or baby-gates for keeping dogs in certain areas. These facilities should be in place before dogs are brought in.

We have taken all these points into consideration and have created safe dog friendly workplaces that we trust can be loved by all.

About Argyll serviced offices

Argyll offers the most exclusive private office environments at the most prestigious addresses in London. Driven by a desire to provide businesses with a sophisticated place to work, meet and host events, we design every element of our beautiful properties to create a lasting impression – on our customers, and their guests.

Our unique combination of distinctive buildings, contemporary yet classic interiors, unrivalled attention-to-detail and consistently exceptional service, defines our signature Argyll experience. We pride ourselves on never imposing our brand on our customers. Instead, our unbranded spaces provide a stylish backdrop, while our empowered team delivers a personal service to support our customers’ success.